Calculate your email marketing Return On Investment

Email marketing is famous for it's high ROI. Calculate yours now with our easy calculator.

Type of calculation

Calculation type
Your currency

Select desired currency
Send volume

The number of emails sent per year
Open Rate
The percentage of people that open your emails relative to the number of emails sent

Click Rate
The percentage of people that click through on your emails relative to the number of emails opened

Conversion Rate
The percentage of people convert after clicking through on your email

Net conversion value

The average Net value of a conversion
Total Costs

Total costs per year
Total costs are usualy:
CRM and license fee, External costs (agency) Internal hours x hourly rate

Total Response per year

Total opens
Total clicks
Expected Conversion
Total Profit
$ 149
Total Revenue
$ 199
Conversions to break even
1 (10%)
Your ROI: %


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